First comprehensive documents categorising and subdividing knowledge
First comprehensive documents categorising and subdividing knowledge, dividing knowledge into different areas by Aristotle,(physics, poetry, zoology, logic, rhetoric, politics, and biology). Aristotle's Posterior Analytics defends the ideal of science as necessary demonstration from axioms known with certainty. -
Period: 320 to
History of Scientific Method
Sep 20, 1021
Book of Optics
Alhazen introduces the experimental method and combines observations, experiments and rational arguments in his Book of Optics -
First Scientific Method
First Scientific method (René Descartes) -
First description of a controlled experiment
First description of a controlled experiment using identical populations with only one variable: James Lind's research into Scurvy among sailors. -
First working prototype of a "robot scientist" able to perform independent experiments to test hypotheses and interpret findings without human guidance.