History of the Sausage Sizzle

  • Why did Sausages become popular?

    During the second world war most prime cuts of meat were rationed, however sausages were not which meant that soldiers could have as many as they liked and as a result the sausage became a symbol of the aussie hero.
  • Emergence of the Sausage Sizzle

    The earliest reference of the Australian 'sausage sizzle' dates back to 1946 when, the Country Women's Association of Forbes was holding an event called the 'Full Moon Sausage Sizzle' where they were collecting food to send to England.
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  • The Significance of the Sausage Sizzle

    The Sausage Sizzle is more than just a place to grab a quick feed its a place for community gathering and is an embodiment of the egalitarian life allowing anyone and everyone to mingle. The suggestion that there is no true meaning behind this ritual is untrue as behind every sizzle is the fundraising for community groups or the contribution to Australian democracy.
  • What happened to the Sausage Sizzle?

    In todays unprecedented times when it was needed most the sausage sizzle disappeared as lockdowns and restrictions caused the inability for this ritual to take place.