Salem witch trials

History of the Salem Witch Trials

  • Salem is Founded

    Salem is Founded
  • Witchcraft Illegal

    The Church of England declares witchcraft as illegal under English law.
  • Goody Glover Convicted as a Witch

    This was a very important event in the history of the Salem Witch Trials because it is the first account of a witch being convicted and killed in Salem.
  • Parris Moves to Salem, Becomes Minister

    Members of Salem Village hated him and vowed to drive him out of Salem because he was so wealthy.
  • Abigail Williams and Others Girls Start Acting Strangely

    A sudden outbreak of girls acting very strangely causes doctors in Salem to suspect that Witchcraft was involved
  • Tituba, Sarah Osbourne, and Sarah Goode Supected of Witchcraft

    Tituba confesses to the crime and is not killed, first time witches were checked for "witches teats". More than 15 more witches to be killed in the next year.
  • Giles Corey Convicted

    First and only man to be convicted of witchcraft and hanged.
  • Spectral Evidence No Longer Valid

    Governor Phipps declares that spectral evidence cannot be used in court. New court formed to try remaining witches.
  • 49 of 52 Suspected Witches Freed

    Because their arrests were based on spectral evidence, they were freed.
  • Day of Sorrow in Salem

    Court Orders a day of fasting and soul-searching for horrible events that occured in Salem
  • Ann Putnam Apologizes

    Ann Putnam is the only person to ever apologize for her accusations in Salem.
  • Massachusetts Apologizes

    Massachusetts frmally apologizes for the vents that occured in Salem MA in 1692