History of the Roman Empire

  • 162

    Barbarians break through borders

    Barbarians break through borders
    Enemies breack through roman borders for the first time. This is important because it would be one of the major reasons why rome was to fall.
  • Period: 162 to Jan 1, 1453

    1st Question

    Province: a principal administrative division of certain countries or empires.
    Aquaducts might help by allowing all people to have water in their village.
    Roads might help because they would increase ease of acces to the village wich in turn would increase trade.
    Buildings would help because they would allow the citizens places to live.
  • Period: 162 to Jan 1, 1453

    2nd Question

    There are many reasons why the western empire fell including:
    - Disease
    - invasions
    - Civil war
    - They were cruel to their subjects
    - barbarians tht they were paying to fight against the barbarians turned against them
  • Period: 162 to Jan 1, 1453

    3rd Question

    There are many reasons why the Easten empire prospered while the western empire fell including:
    - Less barbarian invasions
    - better defended
    - better geography
    - was richer
    - more population
  • Period: 162 to Jan 1, 1453

    4th Question

    There were many accomplishments of the byzantine empire including:
    - preservation of greek and roman culture
    - cultural diffusion
    - power of survival
    - could function without good emperor
    - high standard of living
  • Period: 162 to Jan 1, 1453

    5th Question

    There are many similarities and diffrences between Constantinople and Rome including:
    - both capital of roman empire
    - both incredibly wealthy
    - both had standad roman facilities (forum etc.)
    - both lasted a long time
    - both had powerful armies
    - Constantinople was more greek influenced
    - rome had pagan beginings constantinople was always christian
    - rome had a democracy and constantinople had emperor always
    - both churches claimed the other wasnt real
  • 313

    Edict of Milan is put into effct

    Edict of Milan is put into effct
    The edict of Milan is the agreemen for religious tolerance towards christianity. This is important because it was the first step towards christianity becoming the empire national religion.
  • Period: 324 to 330

    Building of Byzantium

    Constantine has Byzantium completely rebuilt to be his capital. This is important because later the roman empire would split and Byzantium would be the eastern empire's capital.
  • 410

    Sac of Rome

    Sac of Rome
    Rome falls to the invading barbarians. This is important because it marks the beginning of the destruction of the western empire.
  • 476

    Fall of the Western Empire

    Fall of the Western Empire
    The last of the Roman emperors falls. The western empire is completely overtaken by barbarians. This is important because it marks the fall of the Western empire.
  • 532

    Nike Riots

    Nike Riots
    Constantiople erupts into riots. The emperor justinian is about to flee but his wife the emporess stops him and strengthens his resolve and he puts down the riots. This is important because it was a major crossroads in the Byzantine empires history. Who knowwhat would have happened if the emperor Justinian had left and they had appointed a new emperor?
  • Period: 533 to Jan 1, 1452

    Justinians succesors rule

    Justinians heirs rule of the byzantine empire peacefully.
  • Jan 1, 1453

    Fall of the Eastern Empire

    Fall of the Eastern Empire
    The turks take over The byzantine empire. This is important because it is the end of the easter empire.
  • Diocletian becomes emperor

    Diocletian becomes emperor
    Diocletian becomes emperor and immediately changes things. He splits the empire into 4 more manageable parts. This is important because it led to the major split betewwen the easter half of the roman empire and the west.
  • Theoddosius dies and empire splits

    Theoddosius dies and empire splits
    Thodosius 1 dies and his will splits the empire in twain. This is important because it is the begginning of the end for the the western empire.
  • The Justinian Code

    The Justinian Code
    Emperor Justinian condensed all the 1600 books of law into 4652 laws. It gave more rights to women children and slaves but it's punishments were much more harsh than it's precessor's punishments. A crminal could have body parts cut off and property taken away. It is sinificant because many nations used it as a model for their laws.