Philippines 2816 600x450

History of the Philipines

  • Jan 1, 1542

    The Philippines is Named

    The Philippines is Named
    Spanish expedition claims the islands and names them the philippines after the heir to the spanish throne.
  • Promised Full Independce In 10 years

    Promised Full Independce In 10 years
    The Philippines is promised full independence within a 10 year frame.
  • Japan Attacks

    Japan Attacks
    Japan attacks the Philippines by air, and invades two weeks later.
  • U.S Retakes the Island

    U.S Retakes the Island
    U.S forces retake the islands.
  • Full Indepence

    Full Indepence
    The islands are granted full independence.
  • Renamed

    The islands are renamed Republic of the Philippines.
  • Peace Treaty

    Peace Treaty
    Peace treaty signed with Japan, the philippines eventually recieve $800m in reparations payments.
  • New Constitution

    New Constitution
    A new constituition was signed on Jan, 1st 1973.
  • New phase in War

    New phase in War
    U.S joins forces with the filipino military and signal new face in war on international terrorism.
  • Terrorism

    Military is stepping up its offensive game to stop the froup Abu Sayyaf, they keep coming into small villages in the phillipines and overtaking them.