Hennig Brand - Phosphorous
Hennig Brand had disovered the first element. This element is Phosphorous.
Phosphorous was discovered when Hennig was experimenting with urine trying to make a ‘philosopher’s stone’, this stone was apparently capable of turning something like lead into gold. Althought that gold, silver, tin, copper, lead and mercury have been known since antiquity. -
Georg Brandt - Cobalt
Gerog Bandt discovered Cobalt in 1735. Cobalt is a metal that can be stable or can be unstable. -
Antonio de Ulloa - Platinium
Antonio de Ulla discoverd the element named Platnium.
Platnium is a chemical metal. It is a grey-white metal at room temperature. -
Axel Fredrik Cronstedt - Nickel
Axel Fredick Cronstedt dicovered the Nickel. Nickel is the only element named after the devil, it comes from the German language. -
Joseph Black - Magnesium
Joseph Black Discovered the element called magnesium. Magnesium is a very reactive metal. It is also vital in a heathly diet. -
Henry Cavendish - Hydrogen
Henry Cavendish discovered the element called Hydrogen. Scientist had been making hydrogen for a while before it became an element. -
Danial Rutherford - Nitrogen
Danial Rutherford dicovered the element nitrogen. Nitrogen is the fifth most abundant element in the universe. it also makes up most of the atmosphere of the Earth. -
Carl Wilhelm Scheele - Chlorine
Carl Wilhelm Scheele also discovered the element called Chlorine but Humpry Davey named it. Chlorine is a greenish-yellow poisonous gas. -
Carl Wilhelm Scheele - Oxygen
Carl Wilhelm Scheele discovered Oxygen. Everyone needs oxygen to survive. Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe. It also makes up nearly 21% of the earth's atmosphere. -
William Gregor - Titanium
William Gregor discovered the element Titanium. Titanium is the only element that has the strength of steel. -
Louis Nicolas Vauquelin - Beryllium
Louis Nicolas Vauquelin discovered the element Beryllium. Beryllium is a very rare element that is only found in nature when combined with other metals. -
Humphry Davy - Sodium
Humphry Davy discovered the element Sodium in 1807. Sodium is in everyones day to day lives, you can see it as salt. Sodium has never occured as a free element in nature. -
Humphry Davy - Potassiumn
Humpry Davey also discovered Potassium. Potassium is soft, silver-white, highly or explosively reactive metallic element mand will only occur in compounds. -
Humphry Davy - Calcium
The third element that Humpry Davey discovered was called Calcium. Calcium is a chemical element and is an alkaline earth metal soft, gray, used as a reducing agent. -
Johan August Arfwedson - Lithium
Johan August Arfwedson discovered Lithium. Lithium i the lightest metal ever known to man kind. -
Jöns Jacob Berzelius - Silicon
Jöns Jacob Berzelius discovered the element Silicon. Silicon is the eighth most common element. -
Hans Christian Ørsted - Aluminium
Hans Christian Ørsted discovered the element Aluminium. Aluminium is found in the Earths crust. -
Henri Moissan - Fluorine
Henri Moissan discovered the element called Fluorine. Flurine would be the lightest member in the halogen family.