History of the MACC Fund

By skarp93
  • Creation of MACC Fund

    Jon McGlocklin, athletes, local businessman and local celebrities found the MACC Fund with the goal of the "Gift of Hope through Research," according to the MACC Fund Website.
  • Period: to

    $42,000,000 contributed to pediatric cancer and related blood disorder research

  • MACC Fund Scientific Review Board created

    Created to ensure The MACC Fund's initial mission. The board evaluates the work of the researchers and clinicians. The board is comprised of leading pediatric oncology and hematology practitioners from around the United States.
  • John Cary begins as Executive Director of the MACC Fund

    During his time on the job yearly income has grown from $250,000 to $3,800,000, according to the MACC Fund Website.
  • Women for the MACC

    In 1982 volunteers created Women for MACC. They continue to hold special events anually and have raised over $4 million. http://www.maccfund.org/AboutUs/History/
  • First Trek 100

    Since 1990, the Trek 100 has rasied over $11.5 million for pediatric cancer and related blood disorder research.
  • Colleen O'Neil Moran joins as Development Officer

    Colleen joined up with the MACC Fund after graduating from the Universitiy of Minnesota. She is in charge of organziign the Treck 100-Ride for Hope.
  • $3.5 million pledged to the Carbon Cancer Center of the University of Wisconsin-Madison

    The University of Wisconsin-Madison Carbone Care Center is the only comprehensive cancer center in Wisconsin, according to the MACC Fund Website.
  • Becky Pinter starts as Chief Operating Officer

    Becky joined the MACC Fund staff in 2007 after being a constant MACC Fund volunteer.
  • Karen Armstrong becomes Financial Officer

    Karen joined the MACC Fund in 2008 after having an accountant position with DUECO, Inc., Waukesha and WhiteLight Group.
  • Blood Diseases

    In 2008 the MACC Fund grew its research into blood diseases. Treatments for childhood some blood cancers could be used as treatment in some cases.
