1800 BCE
Jacob's Family Stays in Egypt (Exodus 1)
Jacob’s family is allowed to
stay in Egypt because of Joseph and is
blessed by God. -
Period: 1800 BCE to 1445 BCE
The Book of Exodus
1700 BCE
Israelites Multiply in Egypt (Exodus 1:6)
Joseph, and the generations that would go with him would not live. -
1600 BCE
Israelites Oppressed by New King (Exodus 1:8)
A new king became the ruler of Egypt -
1539 BCE
Pharaoh's Order to Kill Firstborn (Exodus 1:22)
Pharoah speaks and says, "Every Hebrew boy that is born you must throw into the Nile, but let every girl live" -
1521 BCE
The Birth and Adoption of Moses (Exodus 2)
Moses is born, but not born as one of the "good" people. So His mother puts him in a basket and sends him down a river. This is where Pharoah's wife finds him. -
1486 BCE
Moses Flees into Midian (Exodus 2:11)
Moses watched as one of his people was beaten while being thrown around to do labor. -
1446 BCE
The Israelites At Mount Sinai (Exodus 19)
God showed himself to Moses and gave him the 10 Commandments -
1446 BCE
Moses Receives the Commandments (Exodus 20)
God reveals the 10 Commandments. -
1446 BCE
Moses Receives the Law (Exodus 21-24)
God spoke to Moses on the mountain and gave him His law for the nation of Israel. -
1446 BCE
Preparations for the Tabernacle (Exodus 25-31)
The Tabernacle is built to give God offerings. -
1446 BCE
The Golden Calf and Moses' Anger (Exodus 32)
God tells Moses that anyone who does not repent will be destroyed. Then Moses left the mountain and destroyed the gold calf idol the people were worshipping. -
1446 BCE
The Journey Resumes (Exodus 33-39)
God ordered his people to leave Sinai, He broke the tablets and then restored them with the Ten Commandments. -
1446 BCE
Israelites Groan in Slavery (Exodus 2:23)
The king of Egypt died, so the slaves began to cry out to God for help. -
1446 BCE
The Ten Plagues on Egypt (Exodus 7-12)
God sent the ten plagues because the Israelites weren't being freed from slavery. -
1446 BCE
The Exodus Begins (Exodus 13-18)
Moses and his people crossed the Red Sea. -
1446 BCE
Moses Sent to Deliver Israel (Exodus 3-6)
God shows himself to Moses through a burning bush. God tells him to unleash his people from slavery. -
1445 BCE
The Tabernacle is Erected and Filled (Exodus 40)
In this Chapter, Moses officially sets up the Tabernacle for the people to use.