history of the internet timeline

  • The united states created the ARPA in febuary og 1958

  • iternet was born

    In 1958, the internet was welcome into this world
  • Period: to

    the timeline of the internet

  • The creators of the internet is the ARPANET

  • the world wide web came along

    The creator of the world web was name Berner lee
  • One of the first HTTP and URL came out

  • in 1974 the internet was a single global network

  • The x 25 packing switching standard was developed in the CCITT

  • The ITP was dialed up and making websites

  • there were growth in the public intrest by the public acedemic industrial in ternet

  • through 1996-1997 the internet grew by 100 percent per year with a brief expierience of explosive growth

  • the world internet of the information, society held in tunis

  • the combined weight of electrons moved within the internet of 0.2 millionths a ounce

  • the internet became alot faster and created a pro upgrade in old websites