History of the internet timeline.

  • The first desktop computer.

    The government creates the first computer that could store memory on the actual computer.
  • Funds for ARPA become available

    President Eisenhower introduces the ARPA project in an air force appropriations bill.
  • The first network experiment

    Two computers talked to each other using packet-switching technology.
  • The ARPA begins.

    Larry Roberts is the chief scientist of the project.
  • The first link.

    The first link between 2 computers was made between the University of California, Los-angeles and the Stanford research institute.
  • First email

    The first basic email program is created for ARPANET.
  • First personal computers

    IBM announces its first personal computer.
  • New domain names.

    The first domain name system is created by Jon Postel, Paul Mockapetris, and Craig Partridge. .edu, .gov, .com, .mil, .org, .net, and .int .
  • .com is registered as a domain.

  • 25,000 pcs sold

    over 25,000 PCs are sold in the US.
  • Free antivirus software

    McAffee Associates is founded and the first free antivirus software becomes available.
  • ARPANET ends

    The world wide web is created.
  • The first web page was created

    It explained what the world wide web was.
  • The web grows

    The web grows by 314,000%.
  • Java has its first demonstration in public.

  • Wndows 95 is released

  • Hotmail is created

  • Google is launched

    The popular search engine google is created.