
History of the Internet - Kyle

  • The Birth of the Internet

    The Birth of the Internet
    In 1950 the internet was born and the creators began to assemble "The network of networks".
  • The first ever use of the Internet

    The first ever use of the Internet
    The internet was then used for the United States for them to use it as a government weapon in the Cold War. The government and researchers used it for communicating with one another and to share valuable information.
  • Communication evolved

    Communication evolved
    Communication started to evolve in 1965 when two researchers Thomas Merril and Lawrence Roberts invented low-speed-dial-telephones to communicate over the computers. They called it "Wide area Network".
  • The first ever version of the Internet was created

    The first ever version of the Internet was created
    The first version of the internet was then created for ARPAnet, they used it to link computers at universities such as UCLA Stanford.