Only large universities and the Government have access to email on the Internet.
Apollo 11
Steve Wazniak invents the Apple I computer.
Ernie Banks elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame
Georgia beats Notre Dame in Sugar Bowl for college football title
IBM introduces the PC.
Rod Carew is 22nd player elected to Hall of Fame on 1st try
The Internet became viable for the general public.
Michael Jordon retires
The World Wide Web became available to the general public.
Grayson Lewis was born.
Yahoo! Directory goes online
Google goes online. Who are the two creators of Google?
lary paige sergey brin -
Don Sutton selected to Baseball Hall of Fame
Hurricane Katrina
Youtube is founded.
Amazon releases the first Kindle
Craig Biggio of the Houston Astros becomes the 27th member of the 3000 hit club, going 5 for 5 against the Colorado Rockies.
Barack Obama was inagurated as the U.S. President
Bing is introduced by Microsoft.