History of the Internet

By Chubz
  • The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET)

    The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET)
    The Department of Defense was trying to create a communications system that would survive a nuclear attack. Its initial purpose was to link computers at Pentagon-funded research institutions over telephone lines.
  • Packet Switching

    Packet Switching
    Breaking up info into smaller packets and then it reassembles at the end point
  • 80's

    Domain name system introduced
    Scientists, DOD, Universities
  • Evolution to TCP/IP

    Evolution to TCP/IP
    Email established by Ray Tomlinson
    Telenet established, a different part of Arpanet.
    Start working on how to make the networks join together.
  • 1990's

    World Wide Web consortium is W3C—sets standards for the web, html, css, protocols.
    Browser wars-Netscape was developed after Mosaic very dominant until Microsoft created Internet Explorer.

    Once the Web was allowed to be commercial, there were lots of companies established to take advantage of the technology.
  • Gopher

    1st Browser
    Text only
  • Tim Berners Lee

    Tim Berners Lee
    He wanted a better way for scientists to share their information and research and invented HTML.
    He and CERN develop http, --the World Wide Web –www.http://