Internet global earth communica

History of the Internet

  • First email program invented.

    First email program invented.
    Ray Tomlinson from BBN invents an email program that sends messages across a distributed network.
  • Talkomatic was created.

    Talkomatic was created.
    The first online chat system was named Talkomatic, was created by Doug Brown and David R. Woolley, offering some channels for people to connect with each other.
  • First Internet Provider was born.

    First Internet Provider was born.
    The first Internet Service Provider (ISP) is born with the introduction of a commercial version of ARPANET, known as Telenet.
  • Apple was founded

    Apple was founded
    Apple Computers was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
  • Networking Services are provided to universities.

    Networking Services are provided to universities.
    The National Science Foundation provided a grant to establish network services to university computer scientists.
  • New naming system for websites is created.

    New naming system for websites is created.
    The Domain Name System, establishes the familiar (.edu, .gov, .com, .mil, .org, .net, .int) system for naming websites. This is easier to remember than the previous designation for websites
  • The number of computers used increase.

    The number of computers used increase.
    By 1986, more than 30 million computers were in use in the United States.
  • World Wide Web introduced to the public.

    World Wide Web introduced to the public.
    CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, introduces the World Wide Web to the public.
  • Number of websites increase.

    Number of websites increase.
    The number of websites reaches 600 all over the world, also the White House and the United Nations go online.
  • Yahoo is created.

    Yahoo is created.
    Yahoo was created by Jerry Yang and David Filo as a directory for other websites.
  • First matching site created.

    First matching site created.
    The first matching site called was launched that year, it was the Tinder of that time.
  • Mosaic is released.

    Mosaic is released.
    The browser Mosaic or NCSA mosaic was released in 1996, this browser popularized the use of the World Wide Web.
  • Google is founded

    Google is founded
    The browser Google was founded in 1998 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page,
  • Napster is invented.

    Napster is invented.
    College student Shawn Fanning, invents Napster, a computer application that allows users to swap music over the Internet.
  • Facebook is created.

    Facebook is created.
    Mark Zuckerberg creates Facebook, goes online and the era of social networking begins.