
History of the Internet

  • Harvard Mark I - The first computer

    Harvard Mark I - The first computer
    Used for complex mathematical computations, the first computers, massive and weighing several tons, were not connected.
  • ARPA

    Launched in response to Sputnik, ARPA worked alongside NASA as computers began to miniaturize and have more practical uses.

    $563,000 built the first connection between computers at 4 American universities, called ARPANET. Computers began to be thought of as stations in an intergalactic community.
  • Personal computer introduced

    Personal computer introduced
    The personal computer gained popularity and started being more practical. However, it was still only primarily used for design, calculations and as a database.
  • World Wide Web created

    World Wide Web created
    Using HTTP and client/server software, the World Wide Web used the Internet as an infrastructure to support web browsers, which decoded Internet data into graphics, text and sounds. The introduction of the Web as we know it today.
  • Broadband services

    Broadband services
    The first broadband service in North America hit Canada, speeding up the Web and making it more accessible to the public.
  • Google launched

    Google launched
    This was the beginning of social media as we know it. Along with Google, SixDegrees was also launched. This was the first modern social media network.
  • MySpace, LinkedIn

    MySpace, LinkedIn
  • Facebook, YouTube

    Facebook, YouTube
  • Twitter

    By this time, the social media wrecking ball was in full swing.
  • Tumblr

  • Instagram, Pinterest

    Instagram, Pinterest