First packet-switching papers
First documental description asociated to networking
Licklider arged about the concept of the galactic connection -
Mertir Network foundation creation
The Mertir network organisation was created -
ARPANET was planned
ARPANET transports it´s first letters
Tymnet packet-switched network
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) was established
CYCLADES network was demonstrated
Telenet packet-switched network
X.25 protccol was approved
Minitel was introduced
Internet Activities Boards (IAB)
USENET news using UUCP
BITNET was established
Computer science network (CSNET)
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
TCP/IP protocol was suite formalized
Domain Name System (DNS)
MILNET splited off from ARPANET
First .COM domain name was created
NSFNET with 56 kbits links
UUNET was founded
UUNET was founded
NSFNET was upgraded to 1.5 Mbit/s
OSI Reference Model was released
Federal Internet Exchanges (FIXes)
GOSIP (without TCP/IP) was created
UUNET/Alternet allowed commercial traffic
Archie search engine
Wide Area Connection Server (WAIS)
World Wide Web
Internet society(ISOC) was created
InterNIC was established
Mosaic Web Browser was established
North American Network Operator´s group(NANOG) was established
New Internet architecture with commercial ISP´s connected at NAPs
eBay (an online auction and shop) was created
NSFNET was decommissioned
IPv6 was proposed
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) was created
PayPal Internet payment system was proposed and created
vBNS+ allowed broader access
Dot-com bubble bursts
New top-level domain names were activated
Wikipedia (the free encyclopedia) was created
Code Red I, Code Red II, and Nimda worms
National LambdaRail was founded
UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) was uddated to phase I
National LambdaRail was founded
iTunes Store was created
UN Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG) was created
Facebook was created
UN WSIS was upgrade to phase II
First meeting of the Internet Governance Forum was celebrated
Bing search engine was created
First internationalized country code top-level domains was registered
ICANN started to accept applications for new generic top-level domain names
Montevideo Statement on the Future of Internet Cooperation was signed
NetMundial international Internet governance was prposed