The internet history

History of the Internet

  • Beginning of the Basic Internet

    Beginning of the Basic Internet
    The idea of basic internet was developed by JCR Lidlicker in 1962 and around 1968 it was fully developed by others.
  • Email was Formed

    Email was Formed
    Messages started being able to be sent through the internet. That is when emailing was created for businesses and people to use for when they needed to get information out quicker than usual.
  • Online Shopping was Invented!

    Online Shopping was Invented!
    In 1979 online shopping was invented and people could slowly use internet to get stuff shipped to their doorstep instead of having to go out and buy it in public.
  • ARPARNET was Fully Developed

    ARPARNET was Fully Developed
    ARPARNET was being formed from the moment basic internet was created but it was fully developed in 1982. This led to the full creation of the internet we use today.
  • Dial Up was Formed (Speed of Internet)

    Dial Up was Formed (Speed of Internet)
    Dial Up was the first advancement in getting the internet to move faster than it was. Don't get me wrong, its NO WHERE near as fast a what we have right now with hi-speed. But, this was the first form of "speedy" internet. 1986-1989
  • The WorldWideWeb was officially created and used (WWW)- the First Browser

    The WorldWideWeb was officially created and used (WWW)- the First Browser
    1990-1991 Tim Berners-Lee put the WWW on the internet, creating the worldwide web. This was a form for making all the info on the internet public and to anyone that wanted it. This goes before any site address now and everyone uses it.
  • Internet Started to Become Global

    Internet Started to Become Global
    Early 90s, 1992-1994 everyone in the world started gaining access to internet and using it in their everyday lives. (for business use and home use)
  • Google was Launched

    Google was Launched
    This was launched in 1998 and has now become the most used search engine in the world. You get a great deal of searches when you input something on this engine.
  • Wi-Fi was Developed and Upgraded Internet Usage

    Wi-Fi was Developed and Upgraded Internet Usage
    WiFi!!! Our favorite thing as internet users. Wifi was invented to create a thing that would help people get info no matter where they are, and to get it fast and efficiently. This concept has brought us remote working, Netflix and other streaming services, etc.
  • Wikipedia was Launched

    Wikipedia was Launched
    Wikipedia website was created in 2001, and it took a while for it to go right. People loved this website as a forum where people could learn and post content and information.
  • Facebook was Launched

    Facebook was Launched
    Facebook wasn't the first form of social media but it was the first one that progressed the farthest. MySpace was created before this in around 2003 but that faded away short after the creation of Facebook. (
  • Youtube was Launched

    Youtube was Launched
    Shortly after Facebook was created YouTube became a part of the internet. This website created to see if they could create a place where all videos could be placed for use and a way for people to make videos for others to watch. This website is now used for learning purposes, entertainment, etc. It is very universal and used in a lot of peoples lives daily. (