History of the Internet

  • The Launch of Sputnik

    The Launch of Sputnik
    Sputnik was a satellite that was launched by the USSR as a Global communications tool. Also, the USSR launched it because it was at the beginning of the Space Race. This was a race between the U.S and the USSR to see who can discover more and "conquer" space.
  • ARPE is Created

    ARPE is Created
    The APRE was created by the United States in response to the Soviet Unions's launch of their Sputnik launch. The APRE is the predecessor of APRANET
  • ARPANET is established

    ARPANET is established
    APRANET was developed by the United States in the APRA. First, the purpose of it was to communicate with other computers in other places and institutions. APRANET was made to send out small packets of information through different and intricate routes.
  • The Creation of Apple

    The Creation of Apple
    Apple was founded in the 1970's by Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne, and Steve Wozniak. The initial purpose of the creation of apple was to change the view and how people though of computers. The first product they made was the first Apple computer.
  • The Internet's Creation

    The Internet's Creation
    This is the time when all the world wide networks that were being used were put together. It was called the internet. The world wide wed was later created and credited to Tim Berners-Lee.
  • The invention of Domain Names

    The invention of Domain Names
    Paul Mockapetris invented Domain Name System at that time.
    He did this by inventing the Domain Name System (DNS). John Klensin helped him through this process.
  • Creation of the First Internet Chat

    Creation of the First Internet Chat
    The first functional internet chat was created at that time. This encouraged the start of a lot of other services similar to it.
  • The Release of the World Wide Web to the Public

    The Release of the World Wide Web to the Public
    The WWW was first invented at CERN. This was the first time the public has ever seen something like this. This encouraged information sharing world wide.
  • The Creation of the First Internet Browser: NCSA Mosaic

    The Creation of the First Internet Browser: NCSA Mosaic
    Mosaic was the first ever web browser ever created on the WWW. it was created by Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina.
  • The Creation of Yahoo

    The Creation of Yahoo
    Yahoo was created by Jerry Yang and David Filo. This contained an organized number of pages.
  • First Phone to Use the internet: Nokia 9000

    First Phone to Use the internet: Nokia 9000
    This was the first phone ever to be able to access the web. It might of been for only certain things that were very simple, it still was connected to the web.
  • Creation of Google

    Creation of Google
    Google was created by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Both of them were students at The University of Stanford. Google was not as big as it was now. It was a small web browser that expanded to the empire we know and love today.
  • Creation of Firefox

    Creation of Firefox
    This was created by Dave Wyatt and Blake Ross as an experiment for the original company, Mozilla Firefox. This was just the newer version of it.
  • 5 Million Terabytes of Data is Available Online

    5 Million Terabytes of Data is Available Online
    As of 2010, the internet contained 5 Million terabytes of data
  • 4.1 Billion people Recorded Using the Internet

    4.1 Billion people Recorded Using the Internet
    This is a world breaking number considering how many people are in the world. More than half of the world is able to go on the internet.