History of the Internet

  • Arpanet was created

    Arpanet was created
    Arpanet was connected to computers at UCLA , Stanford, UCSB, and the University of Utah.
  • Email was introduced

    Email was introduced
    The frist email was introduced in 1972. Email is a way of sending mail to each other electronicly, " electronic mail" .
  • Ethernet was created

    Ethernet was created
    Ethernet is a family of computer networking tecgnologies for local networks.
  • Domain name server

    Domain name server
    The domain name servers are the equivalent of a phone book, they maintainh a directory of domains.
  • World Wide Web was created

    World Wide Web was created
    Tim Berners-Lee released the world wide web in 1991.
  • yahoo was created

    yahoo was created
  • Java

    Java is what is downloaded to download diferent games.
  • Ebay

    Ebay is an international buying and selling app.
  • Google was released

    Google was released
    Google released their search engine.
  • Wikipedia was introduced

    Wikipedia was introduced
    Wikipedia is a research engine. You can look up any topic and receive pages and pages of information.
  • Facebook was created

    Facebook was created
    On February 4th, of 2004 FAcebook was created and was released to the public.
  • Youtube was introduced

    Youtube was introduced
    Youtube is a streaming of videos that you can listen to and watch.
  • bing was created

    bing was created
    Bing is a search engine, similar to google.
  • pintrest was created

    pintrest was created
    Pintrest is a social application used to search and save a variety of things.
  • Iphone was released

    Iphone was released
    The phone is a line of advanced smart phones, that are used worldwide.