History of the internet

  • ARPA goes online

    ARPA goes online
    it allows communication throughout the country in case of a military attack.
  • Electronic mail is introduced

    Electronic mail is introduced
    Allows people to send messages through the internet.
  • Transmission control is desighned

    Transmission control is desighned
    It became standard communicating between computers.
  • Internet

    The word internet is used for the first time.
  • Domain name system is established

    Domain name system is established
    William Gibson coins the term cyberspace.
  • Quantum Computer Services

    Quantum Computer Services
    Offers email, electronic bulletin boards, news, and other stuff.
  • Internet Worm

    Internet Worm
    Shuts down about 10% of the world's Internet servers.
  • Gopher

    provides point-and-click navigation.
  • Mosaic

    The dominant navigating system for the World Wide Web.
  • CompuServe

    Provides dial up Internet access.
  • Google

    Google opens its first office
  • YouTube

    YouTube.com is launched.