First Network Founded
First e-mail developed
Development Begins on TCP/IP Protocol
Work begins on a new protocol which will allow computer networks to communicate with each other. -
First trans-atantic e-mailing
First PC Moden Created
The first PC modem was created by Dennis Hayes and Dale Heatherington. -
First span e-mail
MUD Created - First Multiplayer Game
Tim Burners-Lee creates the World Wide Web (WWW)
TIme Burners-Lee created the World Wide Web and the first website which was devoted to explaining how to use the World Wide Web. -
World Wide Web is open to the public
In this year the the public could now use the World Wide Web. -
Frist Web cam
First INET conference held
First Internet Society Formed
Offical formtion day of the Intenet Society
First board,council and member meeting of the Interet Society
Google is created
Wikipedia is made
Facebook open to U.S collage students
Youtueb is created
Twitter is created
iPhone and Mobile web was created