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History of the Internet

  • Microsoft launches internet explorer

    Microsoft launches internet explorer
    The internet is born
  • Google founded

    Google founded
    One of the most used search engines
  • Napster ordered to stop uses sharing copy right

    Napster ordered to stop uses sharing copy right
    Music that has been shared, not bought. you need to buy music. its copyrighted
  • itunes launched

    itunes launched
    Ituens, the ablitiy to buy music legally
  • Youtube launched

    Youtube launched
    youtube allows you to watch videos of all sorts from eduactional to music
  • Google buys youtube

    Google buys youtube
    Google buys youtube ofr 1.65 billion
  • Facebook becomes most popular

    Facebook becomes most popular
    facebook is the most used soical networking site
  • Apple launched ipad

    Apple launched ipad
    ipad is popular amoungst university students for notes
  • Microsoft buys skype

    Microsoft buys skype
    Microsoft buys scype for 8.5 Billion
  • Internet users breaks 2.4 billlion

    Internet users breaks 2.4 billlion
    internet is gaining popularity