History of the internet

  • The launch of ARPANET Network

    ARPA was the U.S. Defense Department's Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the purpose of their network was to connect different computers so information could pass between them.
  • The first email

    Engineer Ray Tomlinson figured out how to send a message from one computer to another using ARPANET.
  • The first spam email

    Gary Thuerk, the “father of spam,” sent out the first unsolicited email to an audience of about 400 on ARPANET in 1978. The message was meant to promote Digital Equipment Company’s (DEC’s) new product demo on the west coast of the United States.
  • Creation of Transfer Control Protocol/internetwork protocol (TCP/IP)

    This communication protocol made it possible for computers on different networks to communicate.
  • The first registered domain name

    Symbolics Computer Corporation, a computer development company, purchased symbolics.com in March of 1985
  • Invention of the World Wide Web

    Tim Berners-Lee changed the course of Internet history in 1989 when he invented the World Wide Web. He created the World Wide Web while working at CERN (the European Council for Nuclear Research) to help scientists and universities share information all over the world on devices that use the Internet.
  • The first commercial transaction using Bitcoin

    In 2010, the first commercial transaction using Bitcoin occurred when a man in Florida, USA bought two pizzas from Papa John’s for 10,000 BTC (Bitcoins). This transaction assigned a value to Bitcoins.
  • The first Instagram photo posted

    Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom posted the first photo on Instagram on July 16, 2010, a few months before the app’s initial launch on iOS in October. The photo was of a golden retriever.