Period: to
Internet commissioned
Commissioned to build robust, fault-tolerant communication via computer networks. -
ARPANET created
Made by 4 universities. -
Developed by Ray Tomlinson. Decided to use @ symbol for "user name at host network". -
Period: to
Internet finally created
No official date by consensus. -
Rules adopted by ARPANET
In 1982, ARPANET adopted TCP/IP (rules and protocols for sending and receiving information). This is how tablets, PCs, and smart phones connect to internet. -
HTML and World Wide Web invented
Invented by Tim Berners-Lee, a scientist working at CERN in Switzerland. He wanted a way to have universal access to sharing information and research. Linked data together using hypertext protocols. Created well known http://www -
Period: to
Internet commercialized
Internet use rapidly grew in the west from mid-1990's to 2000's and from late 1990's to present in developing world. -
Only 3% of American classrooms use internet
92% of American classrooms use internet
Internet popularity higher than ever
Over 2.4 billion people