History of the Internet

By mackayj
  • Timeline Summary

    Timeline Summary
  • The Concept of HyperText is Conceived

  • Sputnik Launches ARPA

  • Packet-Switching Theory Is Created

  • A Network That Could Withstand A Nuclear Bomb

  • NPL Tests The First Packet-Switching Network

  • ARPANET Is Proposed and Contracted Out

  • The 50Kbps ARPANET Is Tested With 4 Nodes

  • First Email / First eBook / ARPANET Grows

  • ARPANET Is Publicly Demonstrated

  • International ARPANET Connections/ Ethernet Is Created

  • First Spam Email and PC Modem

  • Internet Is Born and America is Online

  • The Internet Gets Fast and the DNS is created

  • PERL Scripting Language is Created

  • The First Public Internet Service Provider (ISP)

  • ARPANET is Terminated and the MP3 Is Born

  • Tim Berners-Lee Creates the WWW

  • 10 Million Users of the Internet

  • Yahoo and Pizza Hut Online

  • eBay and Amazon Created and Domain Fees introduced

  • Internet Explorer and Java and Flash Created

  • Creation of the Wi-Fi

  • Google, PayPal, NetFlix and eBook Readers developed

  • Domain Name Sales

  • Internet Appliances and Web Attacks Introduced

  • Wikipedia created

  • eBay and Paypal Merge

  • Skype (Online Video Sharing) and 3G Created

  • Facebook and Firefox Created and Internet Speed was sped up

  • YouTube and Google Earth Created

  • iPhone/iOS and Android Competition

  • Tethering and the App Store

  • 4G and Mobile Data Milestone

  • iPad Released, Pinterest and Instagram

  • Digital Magazines avaliable

  • Encyclopaedia Britannica published

  • 2,923,000,000 internet users

  • A Domain Explosion and HTML5 Introduced