
History of the Internet

By SJS146
  • Period: to

    Paul Baron

    he had an idea of a network with no central command that if one point was destroyed then the others could still communicate
  • Period: to

    Jon Postel

    DNS invented was invented by jon Postel
  • Elliott/NRDC 401 Computer MkI

    one of first electronic computers
  • ARPA formed

    Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) was formed by Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • The first paper on packet switching

    The first paper on packet switching
    Leonard Kleinrock published the first paper on packet switching in 1961
  • The first book on packet switching

    The first book on packet switching
    Leonard Kleinrock first book on packet switching in 1964
  • 2 computers connected

    first time 2 computers connected done by Lawrence Roberts
  • Lawrence Roberts and Leonard Kleinrock

    Leonard Kleinrock liked Paul Baron's idea of a distributed network and wrote a paper and book about packet switching and
    later Lawrence Roberts was intrigued by leonard Kleinrock's book and paper about using packets instead of circuits in 1966 he went to DARPA to develop this concept.
  • the web was started

    the web was started
    Tim Berners-Lee invented the world wide web
  • ISPs were started

  • nsfnet officially replaced arpanet

    nsfnet officially replaced arpanet
    In 1990 NSFNET officially replaced arpanets
  • nsfnet shut down

    NSFNET shut down and handed everything over to ISPs