1969-ARPANET(Advanced Research Projects Agency Network)
Arparnet is considerd to be the beginnings of the internet.It was created by darpa (defense advanced research project agency) in the united states.As whith a lot of new technology.It was developed for military purposes,although it was initially a research project.The aim was to allow different bases to be able to share information , and this was tested with three terminals in three universities.Although there had been other networking projects. -
Having developed a method of connecting computers together across a distance,the next step was comunicating.The first message was sent across ARPANET at 10:30 pm on 29 October 1969.The concept of email was developed, and in 1971 ray tomplisom instigated the use of @ symbol in adresses for senders and receivers.The successful implementation of email secured the successful development of ARPANET