History of the Internet

  • WWII Computers used

    WWII Computers used
    During the second world war, computers were extremely large clunky and inefficient. However, these computers would be used to do large difficult calculations. this was inefficient, yet the beginning of the introduction of computers.
  • Beginning of Connecting Computers

    Collages in the US began disconnecting computers from their terminals. this resulted in a cloud-esque result. it meant the public could send tasks to more advanced, yet less accessible computers
  • Period: to

    ARPA Invests in Computers

    the US Department of Defence's program, ARPA (Advanced Research Program Agency) invests funds into research in order to create a computer network, ARPANET. this began as a small messaging service between select universities in order to connect scientists and engineers.
    in doing so, they created the packages system. using this system, instead of directly connecting computers through a singular wire, different computers wquld send messages along the same wire
  • Commercial Internet

    the public was not allowed access to the internet, yet in the 1970s companies began selling access to stand-alone networks. this allowed people to do things like sending emails, check the weather, play games and chat on the first internet messaging programs
  • eMail

    in 1971 Ray Tomlinson invented the immensely popular eMail. within just 3 years eMails managed to make up over 75% of the total packages sent through the ARPANET
  • Period: to

    Expansion of the ARPANET

    the expansion of the ARPANET was incredible. in 1977 the total number of computers connected to the ARPANET surpassed a hundred. even more impressive, computers were connected from across the ocean via satellites. these places were: Hawaii, England and Norway. by the end of 1987 over 20,000 computers were connected.
  • DNS created

    the DNS (Domain Name System) was created. this was a system that would convert computers host names into IP addresses. in doing so, it simplified using the internet immensely since there was no longer a need for humans have to memorise IP addresses.
  • End of the ARPANET

    the United States of America decided that their project, the ARPANET, had achieved and surpassed all goals in mind when creating it. therefore, it was the end of the ARPANET and the project was shut down
  • Period: to 1995 BCE

    Rise of NSFNET

    in 1986 the ARPANET was handed over to NSFNET (National Science Foundation Network). by 1990 NSFNET had over half a million users, however in 1995 NSFNET handed full control to isp's
  • First ISP

    First ISP
    in 1989 the first isp's were created (internet service provider) these internet service providers typically didn't own a network of their own, but connected customers to the local network or intenet