History of the Internet

By nbg0426
  • ARPANET is created

    ARPANET is created
    The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network is created by the United States Defense. It was used to connect different research centers and universities.
  • Period: to

    History of the Internet

  • Apple Computer is created by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak

    Apple Computer is created by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
    The Apple 1 is a desktop computer designed and built by Steve Wozniak. Steve Jobs had the idea to sell it to the public.
  • NSFNET is created

    NSFNET is created
    The National Science Foundation Network was a network for connecting researches. It was sponsored by the National Science Foundation and was used to promote advanced research and educating networking in the United States.
  • Internet Chat is created

    Internet Chat is created
    People became able to communicate with each other and respond quickly with each other from different places.
  • World Wide Web proposed at CERN in 1989

    World Wide Web proposed at CERN in 1989
    Tim Berners-Lee created a system to find different documents and web resources. All information and data was liked by the Internet.
  • Mosaic is created.

    Mosaic is created.
    Marc Andreessen and his team invented the first Internet browser. It popularized the World Wide Web and Internet.
  • Yahoo is created

    Yahoo is created
    Yahoo is one of the pioneers of the early Internet. It was created by Jerry Yang and David Filo
  • First phone gives access to Internet

    First phone gives access to Internet
    The Nokia 9000 gave people access to use the Internet, and this later became an idea that many other companies would follow.
  • Google is created

    Google is created
    Google is one of the largest companies today providing Internet-related services and products. It was invented in Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
  • Firefox is created

    Firefox is created
    Mozilla Firefox is one of the most used Web browsers. It was created by Dave Hyatt and Blake Ross
  • Apple Safari is created

    Apple Safari is created
    Safari is another of the most used web browsers. It was invented by Steve Jobs and his company, Apple.
  • Google becomes the largest search engine

    Google becomes the largest search engine
    Before, Google was competing with Yahoo and AOL between being the most used search engine. Google took over through different phones using Google instead of Yahoo.
  • Google Chrome is created

    Google Chrome is created
    The most frequently used web browser today is created which is used for many different electronics.
  • 5 million Terabytes of data is available online.

    5 million Terabytes of data is available online.
    People create more and more websites and documents, and loads of information is displayed on the Internet
  • There are 1.9 billion websites on the Internet

    There are 1.9 billion websites on the Internet
    Many websites are created and posted on the Internet