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History of the Internet

  • Arpanet

    This was the first actual network that ran off of the packet switching technology
  • Email

    Email was first invented in 1971 by Ray Tomlinson.
  • First PC Modem

    First PC Modem
    created by Dennis Hayes and Dale Heatherington
  • First Modern Emoticon

    First Modern Emoticon
  • Internet Relay Chat (IRC)

    Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
    This is the beginning of today's instant messaging.
  • Proposal for the World Wide Web

    Proposal for the World Wide Web
  • The First Web Cam

    The First Web Cam
    The first web cam's purpose was to monitor a coffee maker to avoid wasted trips to an empty coffee pot.
  • First Web Page

    First Web Page
  • Google! Beta

    Google! Beta
    Google was a way for people to find information online.
  • Myspace

    Myspace first opens and became the most popular social network.
  • TheFacebook

    This was only open to college students
  • Youtube

    Youtube launches