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Idea of the Internet is conceived under the keadership of the Department of Defense´s Advanced Research Porject Agency (ARPA)
ARPANET connects first 4 universities in United States
The first hosts of the ARPANET connect Stanford Research Institute, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara and University of Utah. -
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The ARPANET is a success
Although originally designed for scientists to share data, it quickly becomes a discussion office between people, utilising email and allowing them to collaborate on research projects. -
The ARPANET goes international
Connections are established between London and Norway. -
First USENET newsgroups established by Tom Truscott, Steve Bellovin and Jim Ellis
ARPANET has 213 hosts
A new host is added every 20 days on average. -
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TCP/IP is created by people such as Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf
TCP/IP is the common language of all Internet computers. Also, the Internet as we know it today is born. -
Number of internet hosts exceeds 10,000
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"Internet Worm" is unleashed
Privacy and security becomes an issue in the digital world. A malicious program called the "Internet Worm" temporarily disables about 6,000 of the 60,000 Internet hosts. -
ARPANET is decommissioned
Due to its unexpected success, only the vast network of networks called the Internet remains. The number of hosts exceeds 300,000. -
The World Wide Web is born!
First audio and video broadcasts
They occupy a part of Internet known as "MBONE". More than 1 million hosts are online. -
The first graphics-based Web browser, Mosaic, becomes available
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The Age of the Internet
Today the Internet is used for communication, discussion and solutions. It is used popularly amongst schools and holds a lot of potential.