Period: to
First paper on packet-switching (PS) theory
Leonard Kleinrock, MIT: -
Network concept encompassing distributed social interactions
J.C.R. Licklider & W. Clark, MIT: -
Packet-switching networks; no single outage point
Paul Baran, RAND -
ARPA sponsors study on "cooperative network of time-sharing computers"
First ARPANET plan
First meeting of the three independent packet network teams (RAND, NPL, ARPA)
First design paper on ARPANET published by Larry Roberts
Request for quotation for ARPANET
sent out in August; responses received in September -
Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc. awarded Packet Switch contract to build Interface Message Processors
First publication of the original ARPANET
BBN starts building IMPs
BBN starts building IMPs using the cheaper Honeywell 316. IMPs however are limited to 4 host connections, and so BBN develops a terminal IMP (TIP) that supports up to 64 terminals (September) -
Larry Roberts writes first email management program
Larry Roberts writes first email management program (RD) to list, selectively read, file, forward, and respond to messages (July) -
Bob Metcalfe's Harvard PhD Thesis outlines idea for Ethernet.
BBN opens Telenet, the first public packet data service
"Jargon File", by Raphael Finkel at SAIL, first released
Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom sends out an email
Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom sends out an email on 26 March from the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment (RSRE) in Malvern -
First demonstration of ARPANET
First demonstration of ARPANET/SF Bay Packet Radio Net/Atlantic SATNET operation of Internet protocols with BBN-supplied gateways in July -
Possibly the first commercial spam message is sent
Possibly the first commercial spam message is sent on 1 May by a DEC marketer advertising an upcoming presentation of its new DECSYSTEM-20 computers -
ARPA establishes the Internet Configuration Control Board (ICCB)
ARPANET grinds to a complete halt on 27 October
ARPANET grinds to a complete halt on 27 October because of an accidentally-propagated status-message virus -
BITNET, the "Because It's Time NETwork"
Exterior Gateway Protocol (RFC 827) specification.
Exterior Gateway Protocol (RFC 827) specification. EGP is used for gateways between networks. -
Stuttgart and Korea get connected
Number of hosts breaks 1,000
Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link (WELL) started
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) comes into existence under the IAB
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) comes into existence under the IAB. First IETF meeting held in January at Linkabit in San Diego -
Number of hosts breaks 10,000
Internet worm burrows through the Net
Internet worm burrows through the Net, affecting ~6,000 of the 60,000 hosts on the Internet -
Number of hosts breaks 100,000
ARPANET ceases to exist
Wide Area Information Servers (WAIS)
Wide Area Information Servers (WAIS), invented by Brewster Kahle, released by Thinking Machines Corporation -
Number of hosts breaks 1,000,000
US White House email comes on-line at whitehouse.gov; web site launches in 1994
ARPANET/Internet celebrates 25th anniversary
Sun launches JAVA on May 23
A malicious cancelbot is released on USENET wiping out more than 25,000 messages
71,618 mailing lists registered at Liszt, a mailing list directory
Open source software comes of age
First large-scale Cyberwar takes place simultaneously with the war in Serbia/Kosovo
A massive denial of service attack is launched against major web sites,
A massive denial of service attack is launched against major web sites, including Yahoo, Amazon, and eBay in early February -
Forwarding email in Australia becomes illegal
Forwarding email in Australia becomes illegal with the passing of the Digital Agenda Act, as it is seen as a technical infringement of personal copyright -
The highest wi-fi network in the northeast US
The highest wi-fi network in the northeast US is deployed by this Timeline's author. The solar-powered network bridges Mounts Washington and Wildcat in New Hampshire -
Flash mobs, organized over the Net, start in New York and quickly form in cities worldwide
Estonia offers Internet voting nationally for local elections
Zimbabwe looses most of its Internet access
Zimbabwe looses most of its Internet access after its satellite connectivity is cut by the provider for non-payment -
YouTube becomes unreacheable for a couple of hours
YouTube becomes unreacheable for a couple of hours after Pakistan Telecom starts an unauthorized announcement of YouTube's subnet prefix (24 Feb) -
Domain tasting gets severely curtailed after ICANN raises the 2008-introduced fee
Domain tasting gets severely curtailed after ICANN raises the 2008-introduced fee for erroneously registered domains from $0.20 to $6.95; domain kiting however continues