Vennevar Bush publishes paper on memex machine.
the U.S.S.R. launches Spuntnik.
in response the U.S. forms the advanced research project agency.
J.C.R. Licklider publishes his landmark paper “man-computer communication”.
Leonard Kleinrock, MIT: “information flow in large communication nets”. First paper on packet switchin theory.
J.C.R. Licklider and W. Clark MIT: “ one line man computer communication”. Galactic network concept encompassing distributed social interactions.
Paul Baran gets funding from the U.S. air force to experiment with a block switching network to protect communication during an nuclear war. However he withdrew his proposal when the project was shifted to military managers.
Larry Roberts, MIT “towards a cooperative network of time-shared computers” first ARPANET.
ARPA mails out 140 requests for proposals to prospective contractors to build the first 4 IMPs.
ALOHAnet developed by Norman Abramson. ARPANET hosts start using network control protocol.
15 nodes (23 hosts) UCLA, SRI, UCSB, University of Utah, BBN, MIT, RAND, SDC, Harvard, Lincoln Lab, Stanford, UIU, CWRU, CMU, NASA.
first international connections to the ARPANET: university college of london and royal radar establishment.
Bob Metcalfe’s PHd thesis outlines idea for ethernert.
operational manegment of internet transferred to DCA.
Elizabeth II, Queen of the united kingdom sends out an E-mail.
UUCP developed at AT&T bell labs and distributed UNIX one year later.
ARPA establishes the internet configuration control board.
Name server developed at University of Wisconsin, no longer requires users to know the exact path to other systems.
“whole earth lectronic link” operated by sewart brand on his houseboat is open for calls
number of hosts breaks 10,000.
number of hosts break 100,000.
ARPANET ceases to exist.
world wide web released by CERN; Tim berners-lee developer
number of hosts break 1,000,000.
NSFNET passes trillion bytes per month.
netscape releases the source code for its netscape navigator browser to the public domain.