
History of the Internet

  • the RAND Corporation created a network for military

    In 1962 the RAND Corporation began research into robust, decentralised communication networks for military command and control.
  • Period: to

    Internet History

  • A small network called ARPANET was cretaed

  • ARPENET used by government

    ARPENET used by government
  • The term internet was used.

    The term internet was used.
  • Early stage of the internet

    Early stage of the internet
  • Businesses used internet.

    Businesses used internet.
  • Internet had over 300,000 hosts

    Internet had over 300,000 hosts
  • Internet has 10 million hosts.

    Internet has 10 million hosts.
  • Google was created!

    Google was created!
  • Wikipedia was created

    Wikipedia was created
  • Facebook was Created

    Facebook was Created
  • Youtube was creatred

    Youtube was creatred
  • Google Plus was Created!

    Google Plus was Created!
  • 3.5 Billion use the intenet today!

    3.5 Billion use the intenet today!