History of the Hospital

  • First Hospital

    Started with C.O. Epply at Lydia Madsen's house at 1602 Lake Street. This hospital was called "The Hurd Hospital."
  • Second Hospital run by Lydia Madsen

    The second hospital was run by Lydia Madsen when it moved to Lake Street in Spirit Lake. It eventually closed due to inadequate facilities.
  • Dr. Donald F. Rodawig Sr. moved to the Lakes

    Dr. Rodawig and his wife moved to the Lakes with their son.
  • Dr. Rodawig and Dr. Phil Scott became partners.

  • Marie Barrett was hired as an office assistant in the county courthouse.

    Marie Barrett was hired as an office assistant treasurer in the county courthouse, because county services were also necessary.
  • Dr. Rodawig and Dr. Phil Scott purchased Senetor L.E. Francis' house and became a hospital.

    “The Pillars”, home of Senator L.E. Francis’, became the next hospital when Dr. Rodawig negotiated with Amy Vern Tyler to let him purchase the home, and in order for her to sell it they had to name it after her father, Marcus Snyder, so it became “The Marcus Snyder Hospital."
  • Auxiliary was formed

    Hospital Auxiliary was formed and had volunteers for all functions in the hospital.....it was a group made up of about 1,000 people, mostly ladies.
  • Construction on Hospital began

    Construciton on the new hospital began.
  • The first official county hospital was formed.

  • Dedication ceremonies were held

    Dedication ceremonies were held for the new first official county hospital.
  • 1.9 million dollar addition

    The building doubled in size; it was a 1.9 million addition and added many different wings.
  • Emergency room addition to the north side of the hospital

    An emergency room was added to the north side of the hospital.
  • Offices and new visitor's entrance addition

    A 4 million dollar re-modeling project was done that added medical offices and a new visitors entrance.
  • Addition of new surgery wing

    The addition of a new surgery wing was added to the hospital at this time.
  • New community health center

    The construction of a new community health center was done and is now located in Milford. It provides house home-care and hospice offices, provides physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy.
  • Re-modeled rooms

    They re-modeled their double occupancy rooms to single occupancy rooms.
  • 2 million dollar computer system installed

    There was recently an addition of a 2 million dollar computer system installed and is now still in commission.