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History of the Holocaust

  • The Beginning of the Holocaust

    The Beginning of the Holocaust
    The Nazi party take power in Germany.
  • Jews Stripped of German Citizenship

    Jews Stripped of German Citizenship
    The Nuremberg laws took away their businesses, and kicking Jewish students out of public schools.
  • Kristallnacht, the "Night of Broken Glass"

    Kristallnacht, the "Night of Broken Glass"
    7,000 Jewish businesses were destroyed, 195 Synagogues were burned, 100 Jews were killed 1,000 were beaten and tortured.
  • War Breaks Out

    War Breaks Out
    Germany invades Poland, ghettos were established, 250,000 Polish Jews were killed by December, and Jews over 10 had to wear a yellow star
  • Germany Invades

    Germany Invades
    Germany invades Yugoslavia and Greece in April, the Soviet Union in June, and starts war with U.S. in December.
  • Jews Burned Alive

    Jews Burned Alive
    19,000 jews were burned alive in Odessa.
  • "Final Solution"

    "Final Solution"
    the "final solution" was the planned death of every Jew in Europe including 1.6 million people killed at Auschwitz which made it the largest grave yard in human history
  • Hitler commit suicide

    Hitler commit suicide
    Hitler committed suicide in a underground bunker.
  • The End of The Holocaust

    The End of The Holocaust
    On May 7, 1994 Germany surrenders.
  • State of Israel

    State of Israel
    The United Nations established the State of Israel as a Jewish national homeland, and they adopt an unofficial motto: "Never Again."