
History of the Hawaiian Monarchy Timeline

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    Golden Tree Plover

    Golden Tree Plover
    The polynesians came to Hawaii around the 300-500C.E. and no later than the 800C.E.The Golden Tree Plover was very important to the Hawaiians and the discovery of Hawaii. The Golden Tree Plover is what lead the polynesians(hawaiian) to Hawaii. Without the Golden Tree Plover they wouldn't have discovered Hawaii. The Hawaiian culture probably wouldn't have existed if the Tree Plover didn't lead the polynesians to Hawaii. This would make a huge impact on the future.
  • Nov 7, 1200

    Makahiki Season

    Makahiki Season
    Makahiki season started in 1200A.D. This was a time to honor the god Lono. During this time it was kapu to have war/fight. They would perform traditional events during makahiki season. They would perform ceremonies, celebrations, rituals, sports, and Hawaiian games (makahiki games). Some makihiki games they would play are...
    - Konane(hawaiian checkers)

    - UluMaika(lawn bowling)
    - Moa Pahe'e(dirt sliding)
    - Uma(arm wrestling laying down)
    - Hukihuki(hawaiian tug of war)
  • Nov 11, 1200


    Hula started in 1200A.D. It was very important to the Hawaiians. Hula was their way of telling ledgends and storys. It is a beautiful art that not only women did but, men did it to. Hula is a sign of respect that everyone would do. Hula was very common back then and still is common today.
  • Sandalwood Trade

    Sandalwood Trade
    The fur and sandalwood trade occured in 1778-1825. The Hawaiians traded with the Europeans and Chines/Japanese. The Hawaiians traded Sandalwood for American cotton, woolens, nails, English sattles, Russian canvas, coco, flower, and many more. The Hawaiians did not know that the outer island people did not only bring things to trade with but, that they also brought diseases. This cauesed the Hawaiian population to decree real quick. This almost drove the Hawaiians to extinction!
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    Kamehameha 1st

    Kamehameha 1st was a great man who did many good things in his lifetime. Some would even say he was the best ali'i ever. He thought of everyone as his ohana(family). Kamehameha was not only the best ali'i you could ever have, he was also a friend, a friend that also united all the islands creating the united kingdom. This he will always be rememberd for. When people think of him they will see the man who cared for them, kept their cultural ways, and brought peace to the Hawaiian islands.
  • Kamehameha 1 united the Hawaiian chain

    Kamehameha 1 united the Hawaiian chain
    Kamehameha the 1st united all the Hawaiian islands in 1810. It took Kamehameha from 1795-1810 to have control over all the islands. Kamehameha conquered all the island except for one, Kaua'i. Kamehameha attempt to conquer Kaua'i two times. He failed both time one due to a storm and rough seas, and the other due to epidemic which crippled his forces. But, they eventually joined forces. By 1810 Kamehameha had control over all the Hawaiian islands and created the Hawaiian chain.
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    The Rule of Ka'ahumanu as Kuhina Nui

    After Kamehameha 1 died Liholiho became the new chief, but Ka'ahumanu was actually the real ruler and she became kuhina nui. Liholiho and Ka'ahumanu ruled side by side, but Liholiho had more power due to kapu. Ever since she became kuhina nui she tryed to get rid of kapu and she did. Once she became kuhina nui that changed everthing.
  • The Arrivlal of Missionaries

    The Arrivlal of Missionaries
    Missionaries first started to come to Hawaii right after the end of kapu (October 1819). It was a 160 day voyage for the missionaries. Its was a painful and exausting voyage. The missionaries job was to farm, build houses, schools, and churches. They also had to learn the Hawaiians language and teach them to read the Bible. But, the most important was the missinaries had to lead the Hawaiians away from their old religion/belifes.
  • The End of Kapu

    The End of Kapu
    Kapu is the ancient code of conduct. When Kamehameha 1 died that is when people started to rebel or question kapu. Liholiho is now the new chief of Hawaii. Mostly women wanted to end kapu such as Ka'ahumanu and Keopuolani. They are the caues of kapu ending, they tryed many time to convince Liholiho to end kapu. It wasn't very easy. But after many attempts to convice LIholiho he fianlly gave in. A feast on Vancouvers ship was arranged. Men and women ate together. This broke kapu.
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    The Reign of Liholiho

    Liholiho reigned for a short amount of time(1819-1824). But, there were many changes in the Hawaiian society, both "negitive and positive" for some people. The kapu system was abolished by the missionaries and were preaching a new religion. The foreign ships also brought new goods and deadly diseases.
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    The Whaling Economy

    Whalers started to arrive in Hawaii from 1825-1860. More than 100 ships stopped in Hawaiian ports in 1824. Over the next two decades the whaling fleet grew in the year of 1846, 736 whaling ships arrived in Hawaii. The Hawaiians also began to grow new types of foods and raise cattle.
  • The First Sugarcane Plantation

    The First Sugarcane Plantation
    The first successful sugarcane plantation was in Koloa, Kaua'i 1835. Three men from England (Peter Brinsmade, William Ladd, and William Hooper) leased from Kamehameha III a 980-acre tract of land at Koloa, Kaua'i. The mens business grew and they decided to include sugar. But, they had some major difficulties such as they needed more workers, more money to pay them, and better mill rollers. Although, the plantation was still successful.
  • The Great Mahele of 1848

    The Great Mahele of 1848
    The first mahele(division) was signed in January 1848. Before the foreiners arrived in Hawaii the islanders managed landholding under a system. They belived that the land belonged to the gods and the chiefs knows best how to control it. But, the foreiners didn't belive in this. They beived the people should own their own land and pass it down to their children. Once the great mahele was signed on January 1848 the individual divisions were written down in a large book, the Mahele Book.