4900 BCE
The Long Flight
Following the alliance of Elder and Younger brothers and their failed uprising, survivors flee the last outpost in a stolen ship and make for the Rim. They arrive in the Arc and settle on Maseer. -
1 CE
The Flight of Knowledge
The Thirty-Four Universities flee Oliand's political crisis and settle on Nothi Seoton. Year One of the RNS calendar. -
The Fall of Peliad
Old Peliad disintegrates; the Golden Age is over. Year One of the AFP calendar. -
The last fall of Peliad
Death of the Golden King; the Hall of Stars is burned to the ground. -
Elletry expansion
Elleter begins to expand through its home system -
Period: 430 to 445
The Great Vowel Shift
MSS, MCS, and TAB experience a major vowel shift. -
The Vasilissan Empire
In the capitol of Elleter, Vasilissa, the great general Vasilinna I the Victor inaugrates the empire. -
The Second Foibas Plague
The second wave of the Foibas plague sweeps Lacai. Yon Winterrain dies. -
Vasilinna III the Great dies
followed shortly by her heir, both under mysterious circumstances. A period of unrest follows as the empire struggles to hold together in the absence of a clear leader. -
Vasilinna V the Conquerer ascends and restores the old line of rulers, leading the empire into the Great Expansion. -
Lacane mobilization movement begins
Over the next few years, Lacai becomes a fully mobilized society under the Bureau of Mobilization; all citizens are under military authority. -
Period: 565 to 571
Rainfield Plague
The Rainfield Plague sweeps the Tetrabellonic Zone, moving from the front lines to civilian centers and killing millions. -
Clerr the Martyr executed
After two years of imprisonment for giving and advocating aid and comfort to enemy combatants, the Martyr of Barletoun is executed on charges of treason. -
Dec 24, 605
Aghan Dicca martyred
A Gibosan healer who frequently led Order missions into mined battlefields, she was twice captured by Lacane forces and released by sympathetic front-line officers. Her third capture sent her to Lacai, where she was tried on a number of conflicting charges by the increasingly unstable Bureau of Mobilization and executed in 605. She is remembered for having articulated many central Gibosan beliefs: records of her trial defense are among the earliest and most-studied texts of the period. -
Dec 24, 645
Sacking of the First Sanctuary
Lacane forces hunting deserters locate and bombard the Sanctuary of the Gibosan Order; many perish in the collapsing structure, including the head of the Order, Pellin Kea the younger. -
Dec 24, 652
Establishment of the Second Sanctuary
Dmiana De completes construction of the Second Sanctuary of the Gibosan Order; the complex is officially opened by Order head Letica Soonc. -
Period: Dec 24, 721 to Dec 25, 732
The Fools' Years
The four governments of the Tetrabellonic Zone develop and deploy bioweapons; it soon becomes clear that biowarfare is unsustainable and uncontrollable, and plagues rage across the region. -
Dec 24, 731
Death of Vasilinna XVII the Eternal
The last of the supposedly divine rulers of the Eternal Dominion is defeated and slain by unknown persons. The Dominion splinters briefly as generals and admirals fight over the imperial seat. -
Period: Dec 24, 733 to Dec 25, 750
The Medics' Truce
Public health organizations of all four planets call for a ceasefire in order to recover from the pandemic devastation of the Fools' Years; this turns out to be the longest ceasefire in recorded history. -
Dec 24, 750
War returns
Campollion and Jurat return to a state of war; Maseer rejoins shortly after, followed by Lacai just before the new year. -
Dec 24, 771
The Age of Division begins
Pelion enters a period of unrest and intercity cold war, which occasionally flares up into open warfare. -
Dec 24, 818
Joris Venata born
The first Venata to leave Taugett. He started a small shipping business with his daughters Eruthia and Erthusa and his son-in-law Laden Brenike. -
Dec 24, 822
The Argosine Revolution
The Vasilissan Navy, with the support of the orbiting shipyards of Argosy, openly revolts against the Dominion, quickly securing the outer orbits of the Elleter system and cutting the Dominion off from the imperial city. -
Dec 24, 832
The Century Plague
sweeps the Tetrabellonic Zone, with death tolls rivalling those of the early Fools' Years. Trisa Pabish leads the Order mission to fight the plague on Jurat. -
Dec 24, 834
Treaty of Frigate Meer
Aboard the frigate <i>Meer</i>, two of the four admirals of the now-independent Argosine Navy sign a peace treaty with the governor of the imperial city Vasilissa, bringing an end to the Siege of Elleter and the remnants of the Dominion. -
Dec 24, 843
Eruthia Venata born
Made a full partner in her father's trading company at the age of 19, her aggressive captaincy of the second Venata vessel, <i>Light of Morning</i>, won the family a reputation for speedy and reliable transportation of goods. -
Dec 24, 862
Joris Venata and family depart Taugett
Having invested in three fast Pelian cargo clippers, the Venata family start a small shipping business, running cargo throughout the Greater Arc. -
Dec 24, 867
Liberation of Comes Corronel
The prisoners and laborers of the manufacturing camp ally with the remaining Comisine to overthrow the camp authorities and storm Corronel Base, restoring the Comes as an independent and sovereign body. The provisional government invites the exiled Comesine to return to their historic home and reinstates the national language, which had long been illegal. -
Period: Dec 24, 892 to Dec 25, 912
Last Pelian Civil War
The last great civil war on Pelion breaks out between six coalitions of Great Families and city-states. -
Dec 24, 894
Orin Venata born
The death of his elder sister Eritha in an attack on the <i>Blaze of Noon</i> placed him unexpectedly at the head of the family. He despatched agents to track down the stolen cargo, preserving the Venata reputation. He was more cautious and risk-averse than his daring sister and famous aunts, but he maintained a grudge against the pirates of the Lesser Arc for the rest of his life. He oversaw Venata investment in the rebuilding of Pelion, securing the family a seat on the Assembly of the Sun. -
Dec 24, 912
Pelian Cataclysm
The planetary seismic and volcanic disaster forces an abrupt end to the civil war as factions struggle to minimize the destruction. -
Dec 24, 915
The Alber Plague
breaks out on Jurat and spreads rapidly to nearby moons, then to Maseer, which publicly requests Gibosan aid and offers official cooperation; despite the Maseerzy's historic respect for the Order, this is the first time a planetary government extends diplomatic relations to the Gibosan Order. (The Comes Corronel are a sovereign, but not a planetary, government.) -
Dec 24, 925
Peliadine Union founded
Drawing on the memory of the golden age of the Peliad, the Assembly of the Sun officially accedes diplomatic and inter-planetary economic powers to the newly-inaugrated Assembly of Stars. All relations between Pelion (at this time the only member state) and other planets are to pass through the Union; although the Union only includes one planet, representatives from Mulmul and Ennea contribute to the creation of the new constitution. -
Dec 24, 934
Ennea enters the Union
After nearly a decade of negotiation and public support, Ennea formally joins the Peliadine Union and sends its first nine representatives to the Assembly of Stars. -
Dec 24, 936
Mulmul enters the Union
Having contributed heavily to the constitution and organization of the Assembly of Stars, Mulmul formally joins the Peliadine Union and sends its first nine representatives to Pelion. -
Dec 24, 950
Arinda Venata born
Eldest daughter of Arkady Venata, current head of the Venata merchant family; sister of Phemi, Pella, and Foreo Venata. She threw her support behind Lorrell's petition for entry into the Peliadine Union, blocked the Esperdine Trading Co.'s aggressive move on Taugett, and devoted family resources to her cousin Althé Pergren's humanitarian work in the Tetrabellonic Zone. -
Dec 24, 979
The Sacking of the Second Sanctuary
The Second Sanctuary of the Gibosan Order is firebombed by a rogue Campolli general; Campollion authorities save face by declaring their support of the attack, and factions within the government use the event to build public support for further measures against Force sensitives. -
Period: Dec 24, 979 to Dec 25, 989
The Flight of the Innocents
As anti-Force sensitive prejudice turns ugly and several planetary governments pass measures against them, thousands of sensitives flee the Tetrabellonic Zone with help from Peliadine intervention forces, the Gibosan Order, and several independent shipping groups. -
Dec 24, 980
Lorrell enters the Union
Lorrell formally enters the Peliadine Union and becomes the first member world to have not been present at the writing of the constitution. Its entrance also marks the beginning of the rise of Interventionism as a political movement in the Union. -
Dec 24, 982
Esperdees Terraforming Co.
Terraforming begins on Nossa, a moon of Galantha in the Esperdees. The completion of the five-year project is offered as a proof of concept to investors. -
Dec 24, 985
Founding of the Elpis Order
Althé Pergren, with support from the Gibosan Order and the Venata merchant family, founds Healers House on Elpis. The school begins accepting students immediately; in the first few years, many are refugees from the Tetrabellonic Zone, including young Force sensitives and the evacuated children of the Gibosan Order. -
Dec 24, 1020
Siege of Helica begins
After a popular uprising sends the oligarchs of Helica fleeing to nearby Skoina, the combined forces of Alusida, Penthos, and Skoina establish a blockade of Helica. The provisional government requests Union aid; Ennean forces set out to break the blockade (without Union mandate) but are forced to turn aside to head off Alimnine forces and a fleet of Thrennon contractors. Union support is stalled by division in the Assembly, but the Helican war is already underway.