History of the Flight Attendant

By tm6600
  • The First Flight Attendant

    The First Flight Attendant
    Ellen Church was a nurse and pilot. She was the first flight attendant.
  • World War II

    World War II
    Nurses were need on the planes for wounded soldiers in world war II, so women were suddenly qualified for this task.
  • "Sky Girls"

    "Sky Girls"
    More women sought out to become a flight attendant. They were not to be married or be over the age of 32.
  • Civil Rights Era

    Civil Rights Era
    During the civil rights era, flight attendants had to be a certain race, gender, age, and height.
  • New Name

    New Name
    This was the time people tackled the concept of discrimination, and "Flight Attendant" replaced "Stewardess".
  • Rules Changed

    Rules Changed
    Now, males were hired as flight attendants, and the "no marriage" rule was out the way.
  • Weight Regulations

    Weight Regulations
    The weight regulation for flight attendants was finally removed from airline regulations.
  • Today

    Flight attendants now have different uniforms, and are more protective of passengers safety because of the 9/11 attack.