Jan 1, 1200
First Depiction of a Firearm
The first picture of a firearm is made -
Jan 1, 1288
Oldest gun found is made
The oldest gun ever found is dated back to 1288 -
Paper Cartridge Introduced
The first paper cartridge is made. -
Bayonets on Guns
Guns now have bayonets attatched to them -
Period: to
Dueling Pistols replace dueling with swords
Dueling pistols replace rapiers -
First Dueling Pistol Standardized
First dueling pistol is standardized, before it people used various pistols. -
First Colt Revolver is invented
First colt revolver is made -
True Shotguns are now commonly used
In the second half of the 18th century, musket design branched out. This period produced a number of single-purpose firearms. The forerunner of modern shotguns was the fowling piece, developed specifically for hunting birds. Among the upper classes, fowling was a leisure sport. Fowling pieces for the very affluent were often lovely works of art, but impractical for hunting. -
Spencer Repeating Carbine Patented
Introduced at the start of the Civil War, Spencer repeating guns were technically advanced, used cartridges (a recent development), and could fire 7 shots in 15 seconds. But the Army didn't want a repeating gun, fearing that soldiers would fire more often, constantly need fresh ammunition, and overtax the supply system. But in 1863, President Lincoln test-fired a Spencer. His approval led to the purchase of 107,372 Spencer repeating carbines and rifles (of 144,500 made), and the Spencer became t -
Gatling Guns are produced
The first gatling gun is made -
Springfield Armory
Springfield rifles were one of the first breech-loading rifles to be produced -
Period: to
The Franco-German War
Breech-loaded guns are dominant. -
Winchester Rifle Invented
Winchester rifles were affordable, and produced in such great numbers, that the Winchester became the generic rifle. The Winchester had such a powerful hold in some regions that it actually became known as "the gun that won the West." In 1887, Winchester came out with their first repeating shotguns. The next major milestone for Winchester came in 1903, when the company introduced the first automatic rifle that would become widely used. -
First Self-Loading Firearm is invented
Named the Maxim gun, it requires a team of men to use and can't be carried by just one person -
First Sub-Machine Gun is made
MP 18.1 is invented by Theodor Bergmann for the German Army -
Gunpowder is discovered
Gunpowder is discovered in China