history of the Eucharist

  • 100

    the last supper 100CE

    the last supper when Jesus celebrated Passover with his disciples
    breaking the break and giving the wine
  • 313

    100 CE - 320 CE

    up until 313 CE the Eucharist was celebrated at home but then communities assembled together. the writings of the apostles and prophets were read then received communion
  • 400

    4th - 7th centuries

    Christianity became legal, emperor Constantine funded the bishops and building of churches. the Eucharist was now celebrated in basilicas. Latin became the official language of the Eucharist celebration
  • 800

    8th century to 1969

    Priest celebrated the Eucharist with his back to the people. no participation from the laity except singing of hymns. the clergy's role rose in status he alone read the readings and elevated the consecrated bread and wine. people considered themselves unworthy of communion and believed that they need to have the sacrament of penance each time before receiving communion
  • Reforms of Vatican II

    mass was emphasised as celebration of community readings were read by the laity. the language of the country was used. communion was received as both bread and wine. more scriptures and homilies were included. priest faced the people