The Last Supper with Jesus (33 A.D.)
The year was actually 33 B.C. -
Period: 101 to 300
Liturgy reflected on the teachings of the first Church Leaders (e.g. Paul)
St Justin writes about the process of the Eucharist
But doen't mention the process of eating a meal -
Period: 301 to
Significant changes in the celebration of the Liturgy
Period: Jan 1, 1501 to
Reaffirmed the presence of Jesus and the term transubstantiation
The reformation occurred in the sixtenth century -
Period: to
Vatican Two and the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy occuurred with the renewal of sacraments. The eucharist is a celebration of the entire community -
Vatican 2
Eucharist process is done in English nad changes to the mass -
Period: to Dec 31, 1500
Theologians of this era debated the meaning of the "real presence" of Christ in the eucharistic bread and wine