history of the environmental movement

  • Madagascar deforestation

  • dust bowl

    The dust bowl was caused by human factors and natural factors helped the main cause was mostly because of the farmers not applying dryland farming methods to stop wind erosion. And caused a drought that lasted for eight years.
  • great smog

  • minamata disaster

    a life threating disease that damages the kidneys. It is mainly caused by severe mercury disease. Its originated by the release or methylmercury in a chemical factory
  • Rachel Carson's "silent spring" published

    is a science book written and published on September 27,1962 by Rachel Carson. The book documented environmental harm that was due to indiscriminate use of DDT, this was used during world war 2 as a pesticide.
  • Stockholm conference

    his is a document that placed environmental issues at the forefront of international concerns that contained over 26 principals. It marked a start of the dialogue between industrialized and developed countries on economic growth, pollution of air, water, and oceans.
  • Endangered species act

    this is shorted to (ESA) and it is a program to try and help save the lives of endangered plants and animals in their habitats.
  • Love Canal

    love canal was a project that was eventually called off because of a environmental disaster everything happened after years of dumping toxic chemicals which eventually lead to the death of residents and put a lot of peoples health in danger.
  • Bhopal disaster

    The Bhopal disaster was a gas disaster caused by a leakage of methyl isocyanate. What had happened after the leakage to the human workers caused 8000 deaths.
  • Chernobyl meltdown

  • Montreal protocol

  • exxon valdez

    The Exxon Valdez oil spill was a spill That happened when Exxon Valdez someone who was a oil tanker owned by exxon shipping company, and it was the second biggest spill that happen in the U.S waters.
  • Kyoto protocol

    is a agreement that required industrialized nations/ countries to cut down the greenhouse gas emissions. Mostly formed after they found out how contaminated the air was.
  • documentary film "Inconvenient Truth" released

    It was a film released to the public bringing more light towards global warming to thousands of audiences. And brought more attention towards the incoming disasters that could come to earth
  • deep water oil spill