
History of the English Launguage

  • 450

    Old English Period Began Jan 1 450

    Old English Period Began Jan 1 450
  • Jan 20, 731

    731 Bede - He was known as the Venerable. He wrote Ecclesiastical History of the English People to help teach the people about their history.

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Suspected date of Beowulf writing Jan 1 1000

    Suspected date of Beowulf writing Jan 1 1000
  • Mar 19, 1014

    1014 Aethelred the Unready - He was driven out of England by the Danes. He had married a Norman woman so he sought refuge with his brother-in-law, the Duke of Normandy.

  • Apr 24, 1066

    1066 William the Conqueror

    1066 William the Conqueror
  • Sep 1, 1066

    Old English Period ended Middle English began 1 Jan 1066

  • Sep 28, 1066

    Norman Invasion Began 28 Sep 1066

  • Jan 1, 1387

    Chaucer's Canterbury Tales

  • Jan 1, 1439

    Invention of the Printing Press

  • Oct 12, 1492

    The discovery of North America, October 12th, 1492.

  • Jan 20, 1500

    1500’s Great Vowel Shift

    1500’s Great Vowel Shift
  • Jan 20, 1500

    1500’s standardization of English establishes

  • Cawdry - He wrote the first dictionary of hard words.

  • The first dictionary was published

  • Shakespeare’s first Folio

  • American Revolution

  • Webster's Dictionary

    Webster's Dictionary
  • Modern English