History of the English Language

  • 500 BCE

    Celtic ascendancy in Britain

    Celtic ascendancy in Britain
  • 100

    Roman ascendacncy in Britain

    Roman ascendacncy in Britain
    From 100 to 500 a.d.
    Romans conquered the country and ruled peacefully for four centuries.When they returned to Rome to defend it, the fourth invaders of England arrived.
  • 500

    Introduction of Anglo-Saxon into Britain

    Introduction of Anglo-Saxon into Britain
    From 500 to 600
    The Germanic tribes Angles, Saxons and Jutes invaded England. They brought their language into the island.
  • Dec 24, 600

    1st Anglo- Saxon period

    1st Anglo- Saxon period
    From 600 to 850
    "Church" contribution
    There was an influx of Latin and Classical elements during the Anglo-Saxon Period, brought by Christian missionaries.
  • Dec 24, 850

    2nd Anglo-Saxon period

    2nd Anglo-Saxon period
    From 850 to 1066
    "Viking" contribution
    There was a great influence of the Vikings, who ruled the island during that period. However their language did not replace the Old English, but some Scandinavian words were introduced.
  • Mar 24, 1066

    Invasion of England by the Normans

    Invasion of England by the Normans
    Normans invaded England, so French and Old English coexisted French was spoken by the higher classes and English by lower classes.
  • Dec 24, 1066

    Merging of Anglo-Saxon and Norman French

    Merging of Anglo-Saxon and Norman French
    From 1066 to 1362
    The languages merged by a gradual process, into Middle English.
  • Dec 24, 1362

    Middle English period

    Middle English period
    From 1362 to 1550 Middle English was the official tongue of England.
  • Dec 24, 1550

    First Modern English period

    First Modern English period
    From 1550 to 1650
    Some factors like the Great Vowel Shift, the Renaissance, the discovery of the New World and the Elizabethan Literary age made Middle English evolve to Modern English.
  • Second Modern English period

    Second Modern English period
    From 1650 to 1900
    British Imperialism
    The British Imperialism was another factor that contributed to the growth of the English language. Words from other countries entered the language.
  • Third Modern English period

    Third Modern English period
    From 1850 to the present
    During and after the Industrial Revolution neologisms became part of the English language.