History of the English Language

  • 400

    Old English Words

    Bedward- heading for bed
    Elflock- tangles in hair
    Rawgabbit- gossiper
  • Period: 400 to

    History of the English Language

  • Period: 450 to 1100

    Old Era

  • 476

    Fall of Roman Empire

  • 638

    Jerusalem Falls to Islamic Forces

  • 871

    Alfred the Great becomes King of England

  • 1000

    Beowulf's Writing

    Beowulf's Writing
  • 1066

    Norman Invasion

    Norman Invasion
  • 1100

    Middle English Words

    Hem- them
    Mowe- may
    Yaf- gave
  • Period: 1100 to 1500

    Middle Era

  • 1214

    Genghis Khan Invades China

  • 1347

    Bubonic Plague Hits

  • 1392

    Chaucer's Canterbury Tales

  • 1440

    Invention of Printing Press

    Invention of Printing Press
  • 1492

    Discovery of North American

  • 1494

    The Treaty of Tordesillas

  • 1500

    Early Modern English

  • Period: 1500 to

    New Era

  • Publication of Shakespeare's First Folio

  • American Revolution

  • Washington D.C. becomes the New U.S. Capital

  • Late Modern English

  • Panama Canal Built

  • Terrorists Attacks on Twin Towers