
History of the early Sewing Machine

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    Early Sewing Machine

  • Thomas Saint was issued thefirst patent for a completesewing machine (1790)

  • Balthasar Krems inventedan automatic machinefor sewing caps (1810)

  • Austrian tailor, Maderspergertriet to make a machinenot successful (1814)

  • First functional machine madeby a French tailor namedBarthelemy Thimonnier (1830)

  • Lock-stitch machinepatented by Walter Huntin US (1834)

  • John Greenough patents the firstmachine in us (1842)

  • Elias Howe getspatent (1845)

  • Isaac Singer patentshis first machine(1851)

  • Howe wins patent infringement suit

  • Sewing Machine Combinationformed (1856)

  • Merrow invents firstcrochet machine (1877)