Complex Number Calculator completed
In 1939, Bell Telephone Laboratories completes this calculator, designed by scientist George Stibitz. In 1940, Stibitz demonstrated the CNC at an American Mathematical Society conference held at Dartmouth College. Stibitz stunned the group by performing calculations remotely on the CNC (located in New York City) using a Teletype terminal connected via to New York over special telephone lines. -
Z3 Computer Created
Created by Konrad Zuse and was used for aerodynamic calculations. But was eventually destroyed by a bombing in 1943. -
First program ran on a computer
University of Manchester researchers Frederic Williams, Tom Kilburn, and Geoff Toothill develop the Small-Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM), better known as the Manchester Baby. Was used to test memory storage and was the first occurence of RAM. -
SEAC and SWAC completed
IBM creates 1400 series
Nova Minicomputer introduced
Atari introduces model 400 and 800
Apple Computer launches the Macintosh
Lenovo acquires IBM's PC business
The Apple iPad is released
Apple Watch