
history of the clothe

By jsfr05
  • 200,000 BCE

    Paleolithic (2 million a.c. to 13,000 a.c.)

    Paleolithic (2 million a.c. to 13,000 a.c.)
    The first garment was created to protect itself from the cold climates, designed with animal skin ;they were leather loincloths.
  • 13,000 BCE

    Mesolithic (13,000 a.c. to 8,000 a.c.)

    Mesolithic (13,000 a.c. to 8,000 a.c.)
    the weather began to improve and a variety of more tight and light suits emerged.
  • 8000 BCE

    Neolithic (8,000 a.c. to 3,000 a.c.),

    Neolithic (8,000 a.c. to 3,000 a.c.),
    vegetable fibers are implemented; in order to weave the linen (fiber of the flax plant) to reinvent its way of dressing.
  • 5000 BCE

    copper age (5000 a.c up to 18000 a.c)

    copper age (5000 a.c up to 18000 a.c)
    new more efficient tools are developed in the field of clothing used leather, cotton, linen between golds.
  • 4000 BCE

    EGYPTIANS (4,000 BC)

    EGYPTIANS (4,000 BC)
    the Egyptians were dressed, a cloth cinched at the waist with a leather belt. Fabric and jewelry according to the social hierarchy.
  • 2105 BCE

    BABYLON (2105 a.c)

    BABYLON (2105 a.c)
    Wool and linen weaver industry, most common wool.
    The dress: tunic of straight size and fringed edges, long or short, is called candys, and an embroidered shawl of different dimensions.
    Men and women wore the same clothes, only that the women's shawls were wider with various artistically designed embroideries.
    Tassels and fringes were used. Red, blue and green colors, as well as purple for the kings.
  • 6 BCE

    PERSIAN (VI Century BC)

    PERSIAN (VI Century BC)
    The typical garment was a tunic of wool, yarn or silk imported from the Far East, which fit the body and had wide sleeves. The king used purple color. They usually wore the tunic held with a belt. It appears the use of the underwear and the embroidery of application, technique that was introduced in Europe after the Crusades.
  • 476

    middle Ages

    middle Ages
    Men used to wear long stockings and tunics. The noblemen, moreover, wore jackets, hose and knee-length pants. ... To protect themselves in winter, men and women wore layers of sheepskin and gloves and woolen hats.
  • 1453

    modern ege (1453 years, up to 1789 years).

    modern ege (1453 years, up to 1789 years).
    many ornaments are used according to the fashion imposed by that time with feather hats, wide toe shoes, women's tights, socks and coveralls, as well as the skirt and overskirt, as well as the verdugado, which was a bell supported by a wire frame. or wood.
  • Fashion in the 30s (1929)

    Fashion in the 30s (1929)
    In the 30s the pantyhose and jacket suits became popular and, in the 40s, they turned to a more elegant look by Christian Dior with more tight dresses around the waist. Female curves were associated with an ideal of beauty.
  • Fashion in the 60s and 70s

    Fashion in the 60s and 70s
    They began to impose pointed shoes, accessories and accessories such as bags that were worn to the elbow and floral prints that, in the 60s, are replaced by bell-bottoms and cotton blouses. In the 70s the floral themes that mix with "retro fashion" are maintained, triumphing the boots among the women.
  • Moda en los años 80 y 90

    Moda en los años 80 y 90
    They wore pants more attached to the body, black clothes of many colors, crazy hairstyles and varied tents in their hair, stamens of many colors and shapes.
  • actility (2019)

    actility (2019)
    in the actulidad the way of dressing is very varied and everything depends the ocacion worse the most popilar style and sel American style that is about a few comfortable pants that combine and shoes that comfortable that sacks with different styles and shapes
    , small bag and with a wide range of shapes, styles, and colors.