• 2500 BCE

    Stone age

    Stone age
    The clothing in the Stone Age was in the skin of the animals that hunted
  • 2000 BCE

    first settlers who cultivated the land

    first settlers who cultivated the land
    With these stones and bones they also made scrapers that they used to remove the skin of the animals they hunted with which they made their clothes and stores.
  • 1600 BCE

    garments in ancient egypt

    garments in ancient egypt
    Clothing in Ancient Egypt. It refers to the dress of the inhabitants of this time in Ancient Egypt, as well as the colors used for clothing. As in all countries, the climate determines the shape, fabrics and colors with which the clothing and its accessories must be made. In Egypt the clothing was a direct consequence of the warm and dry climate and the outdoor lifestyle.
  • 1500 BCE

    garments of ancient Greece

    garments of ancient Greece
    In the first place, the Greek clothing did not have seams, rather it was draped, so, the trappings of the men and the women were rectangular shaped fabrics that wrapped the body, tied to the shoulders with pins and tied to the waist with a cord. or belt, forming a tunic.
  • 476

    garments of the middle ages

    garments of the middle ages
    In the Middle Ages there were strong differences depending on the social class to which it belonged. People were distinguished according to the clothing they wore and it was also a way to classify them. Each estate of society wore different clothes. At the end of the Roman period, fashion changed, from tunics to knit and mesh fabrics. The medieval period begins in 476 AD
  • 1300

    renaissance garments

    renaissance garments
    The Renaissance will be marked by the new paradigm of thought, which is anthropocentrism based on the idealization of the human figure. Therefore, this idea will be reflected in the development of the textile industry, garments were made by tailors, and adapts to the tastes of the clientele.
  • fashion in the 20th century

    fashion in the 20th century
    If sometimes we complain about the discomfort of a dress or a 15-centimeter heel, I can not imagine wearing a corset. In the early twentieth century they were still used to make the "S silhouette": shake the waist to push the bust up and so that the hips were in the form of a bell. The corsets came to deform the organs and sometimes caused death. Only women of the upper class followed this fashion.
  • fashion in THE 20 YEARS

    fashion in THE 20 YEARS
    ¿Cómo era la moda de los años 20? Los llamaron ‘los alegres años 20’, debido a que en los Estados Unidos este fue un período de prosperidad. Faldas más cortas, collares largos, menos corsés y más complementos como las estolas de marabú. En otro artículo hablamos de moda vintage de la serie Dowton Abbey, hoy te contamos más de la moda años 20.
  • fashion in THE YEARS 30

    fashion in THE YEARS 30
    Because the designers did not have so many media outlets, they had to find a way to create something "more interesting and dynamic," Nears continued. During that decade, most of the haute couture suits were made by hand and were made using very sophisticated techniques. In addition, the concept of dressing was very different and people, even if they had no money, dressed "appropriately" for each occasion, explained Nears.
  • fashion in the forties

    fashion in the forties
    War and haute couture, more than one would say: they have nothing to do with it. Do not However, the resistance of France has its natural expression in fashion. The raw material could already be scarce and the legislation severe, the French ones they were willing to maintain their reputation as the best dressed women in the world, even during the second world war. Despite all the conflicts over
  • fashion in the fifties, sixties and seventies

    fashion in the fifties, sixties and seventies
    In the United States, the decade of the 50s brought many changes in different areas, from a great industrial evolution, economic recovery and the beginning of an increasingly voracious consumerism, to new trends in fashion, music and film, and a distance each more time in the thinking of young people compared to their previous generation.
    something that stands out and that is essential to highlight, a garment that marked a before and after for women: the miniskirt, created by Mary .
  • fashion in the eighties

    fashion in the eighties
    Every time it is more trend retro fashion, dress with clothes that were used in past decades. Someone once said that fashion is like a big sack to fill and once it's full, it turns around and starts to come out again. Apart from being a cyclical phenomenon what is certain is that when we think about how we dressed in the '80s,
  • fashion nowadays

    fashion nowadays
    In the article is presented the creative process by Tennis, one
    of the most consolidated companies in the textile colombian
    sector. This includes among its stages, the development of the
    trend that will have the collection, the concept development, the
    creation of technical specifications and the allocation of fabrics,
    pattern making, reviewing the quality, packaging, distribution,
    among others.